The Wittgenstein Collection of the Austrian National Library


  • Alfred Schmidt Austrian National Library


Wittgenstein Ludwig, 20th century philosophy, Nachlass, Wittgenstein collection at Austrian National Library


The article gives an owerviev of the large collection of Wittgenstein originals kept in the Austrian National Library, which contains manuscripts like Mss 105, 106, 107, 112, 113 and 142, typescripts like Tss 203 and 204 letters and other documents like correspondence and photos of the Wittgenstein family.

Author Biography

Alfred Schmidt, Austrian National Library

Alfred Schmidt studied philosophy at the University of Vienna and is now working at the Austrian National Library as scientific assistant to the director general. He is also responsible for the Wittgenstein collection at the Department of Manuscripts and Rare Books of the Austrian National Library. His publications treat Wittgenstein’s Nachlass as well as other topics.


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How to Cite

Schmidt, A. (2013). The Wittgenstein Collection of the Austrian National Library. Nordic Wittgenstein Review, 3(1), 151–172. Retrieved from