Wittgenstein and the Complexities of Semio-Translation – Wittgenstein in Translation (2012) by Dinda L. Gorlée
20th century philosophy, Wittgenstein Ludwig, translation, Jakobson Roman, Peirce Charles SandersAbstract
Review of Dinda L. Gorlée: Wittgenstein in Translation (2012)References
Gorlée, Dinda L. (1994) Semiotics and the Problem of Translation: With Special
Reference to the Semiotics of Charles S. Peirce. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
Gorlée, Dinda, L. (2004) On Translating Signs: Exploring Text and Semio-Translation. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
Gorlée, Dinda L. (2012) Wittgenstein in Translation: Exploring Semiotic Signatures.
Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter Mouton.
Ruthrof, Horst (2000) The Body in Language. London: Cassell.
Ruthrof, Horst (2011) ‘Semantics of Imaginability – Vorstellungssemantik:
Theses, Review of Contemporary Philosophy, 10, 165-183.
Ruthrof, Horst (2013) ‘Metasemantics and Imaginability’, Language Sciences, 20-31.
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