Wittgenstein and Hacker: Übersichtliche Darstellung
representation, perspicuity, surveyability, grammar, gesture, Wittgenstein Ludwig, Hacker P.M.S.Abstract
The concept of übersichtliche Darstellung is of fundamental significance for Wittgenstein (PI 122). Hacker translates übersichtliche Darstellung as ‘surveyable representation’ and equates it with the tabulation of grammar. He asks what surveyability means, whether examples can be found in Wittgenstein’s work, and why this method characterizes the form of account he gives. Ultimately, however, Hacker is unable to answer these questions and he attributes this failure to Wittgenstein. This paper argues that it is Hacker’s interpretation that fails, and presents an alternate (aesthetic) understanding of übersichtliche Darstellung; one that enables us to answer Hacker’s questions in a manner consistent with Wittgenstein’s philosophical practices.
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