Introduction: ‘Post-Truth’?


  • Rupert Read University of East Anglia
  • Timur Uçan Bordeaux Montaigne University



This paper introduces the Special Issue on 'post-truth'. The contributions to this special issue try between them to strike a right balance. To establish how new ‘post-truthism’ really is – or isn’t. To seek a point of reflection on whatever is new in our current socio-political straits. And to consider seriously how philosophy can help. Whether by wondering about the extent to which reason, or truth, may rightly, if one follows Wittgenstein, be viewed in certain respects as a constraint upon thought or opinion. Or indeed by wondering whether we still have a long way to go in approaching truth at all.

Author Biographies

Rupert Read, University of East Anglia

Rupert Read is Reader in Philosophy at the University of East Anglia, specialist in philosophy of language, philosophy of science, and environmental philosophy. His published works include Kuhn (co-authored, 2002), Applying Wittgenstein (2007), Philosophy for Life (2007), There is No Such Thing as a Social Science (2008), Wittgenstein Among the Sciences (2012), A Wittgensteinian Way with Paradoxes (2012) and A Film-Philosophy of Ecology and Enlightenment (2018). His editorial experience includes The New Hume Debate (co-edited, 2000), Film as Philosophy: Essays on Cinema after Wittgenstein and Cavell (2005), and The New Wittgenstein (2000).

Timur Uçan, Bordeaux Montaigne University

Timur Uçan teaches philosophy at Bordeaux Montaigne University and at the Highschool of Image and Sound of Angoulême. He wrote a PhD on the issue of Solipsism in the Early Works of Sartre and Wittgenstein (2016). He co-edited Wittgenstein and Phenomenology (Routledge, 2018).




How to Cite

Read, R., & Uçan, T. (2019). Introduction: ‘Post-Truth’?. Nordic Wittgenstein Review, 8, 5–22.