The Wittgenstein Lectures, Revisited


  • James C. Klagge Virginia Tech



Wittgenstein's lectures


In 2003 I published a survey of Wittgenstein’s lectures in Public and Private Occasions.  Much has been learned about his lectures since then.  This paper revisits the earlier survey and provides additional material and corrections, which amount to over 25%.  In case it is useful, I have provided interlinear pagination from the original publication.

Author Biography

James C. Klagge, Virginia Tech

James C. Klagge is Professor of Philosophy at Virginia Tech, where he has taught since 1985.  His first publication on Wittgenstein was in 1989, and he has since co-edited two collections of original material by Wittgenstein with Alfred Nordmann, Philosophical Occasions: 1912–1951 (Hackett, 1993) and Public and Private Occasions (Rowman & Littlefield, 2003); edited a collection of essays Wittgenstein: Biography and Philosophy (Cambridge, 2001); and published two books, Wittgenstein in Exile (MIT, 2011) and Simply Wittgenstein (Simply Charly, 2016).  Klagge is currently at work on two books, Wittgenstein’s Artillery: Philosophy as Poetry and Tractatus in Context: Essential Background for Appreciating Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (Routledge, forthcoming 2022).




How to Cite

Klagge, J. C. (2019). The Wittgenstein Lectures, Revisited. Nordic Wittgenstein Review, 8(1-2), 11–82.