Acknowledging women
Some Wittgensteinian ideas to clarify the cis/trans debate
Woman, Transfeminism, Essentialism, Private Language Argument, Bedrock, Blurred-edge ConceptAbstract
My aim in this paper is to use some contents of the later Wittgenstein’s work, and some of its interpreters, to shed some light on the cis/trans debate, in which it is disputed what a woman is and who the subject of feminisms is. There is a stance, called cisfeminism, which do not acknowledge transgender women neither as women nor as subjects of feminisms. I analyse the main cisfeminist arguments from a Wittgensteinian perspective, taking into account (1) their plausible essentialism and (2) the everyday uses of language and its changes. Finally (3), I make some considerations about the effect that theories have in human lives.
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