Linguistic Injustice

The Fragility of Women's and Girls’ Voices in Sexist Contexts


  • Layla Raïd Université de Picardie Jules Verne



attunement, Wittgenstein, Cavell, Feminism


My paper deals with the fragility of women and girls’ voices in sexist contexts. I describe this situation as one of linguistic injustice, and I propose an approach based on Wittgenstein and Cavell’s works. I argue that the characteristic female experience of being silenced when they express their experiences in sexist contexts can be understood as a lack of attunement with the community of male locutors.

Author Biography

Layla Raïd, Université de Picardie Jules Verne

Layla Raïd is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Picardie Jules Verne in France. She has published a variety of works on the philosophy of language, philosophy of literature, feminist philosophy and care ethics. She published several books, including L’illusion de sens. Le problème du réalisme chez le second Wittgenstein and Le souterrain. Wittgenstein, Bakhtine, Dostoïevski.


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2022-12-07 — Updated on 2022-12-07


How to Cite

Raïd, L. (2022). Linguistic Injustice: The Fragility of Women’s and Girls’ Voices in Sexist Contexts. Nordic Wittgenstein Review, 34–49.