This is an outdated version published on 2023-02-25. Read the most recent version.

Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus

Three parallel tree-structured editions. (1) Tree-structured arrangement of the German text, edited by David G. Stern, Joachim Schulte and Katia Saporiti. (2) Tree-structured arrangement of the English translation by Ogden and Ramsey, edited by David G. Stern. (3) Tree-structured arrangement of the English translation by Pears and McGuinness, edited by David G. Stern. Prepublication for Open Review until 22.03.2023


  • Ludwig Wittgenstein



Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus by Ludwig Wittgenstein: Three parallel tree-structured editions. (1) Tree-structured arrangement of the German text, edited by David G. Stern, Joachim Schulte and Katia Saporiti.  (2) Tree-structured arrangement of the English translation by Ogden and Ramsey, edited by David G. Stern. (3) Tree-structured arrangement of the English translation by Pears and McGuinness, edited by David G. Stern.


2023-02-24 — Updated on 2023-02-25
