Wittgenstein in Alethea Graham’s Diary (1929-1930), and New Data on the Audience of his Lecture on Ethics and LT 1930 Class


  • Lucia Morra University of Turin




Amongst the attendees at Wittgenstein’s lecture to the Heretics Society in November 1929, there was also Alethea Graham, a student in her fourth year at Girton College who attended also his lectures in Lent Term 1930. Excerpts from her diary mentioning the philosopher are here transcribed and commented upon. A sharper focus on the audience of Wittgenstein’s Lecture on Ethics and his first academic class is then added.

Author Biography

Lucia Morra, University of Turin

Lucia Morra has been an Adjunct Professor in Philosophy of Language and Philosophy of Logic and Philosophy of Science at the School of Medicine of the University of Turin (Italy) since 2007. Wittgenstein’s intellectual biography in Cambridge after WW1, and his friendship with Piero Sraffa are amongst her main research interests (the others being the pragmatics of legal language and legal translation). Amongst the papers she has devoted to the topic are “Wittgenstein and Piccoli” (Wittgenstein-Studien 2020 11(1)); “Sraffa, Hume, and Wittgenstein’s Lectures on Belief” (NWR 2019 8(1–2); “Friendship and Intellectual Intercourse Between Sraffa and Wittgenstein: A Timeline” (in Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology 2017).



2024-04-14 — Updated on 2025-01-13


How to Cite

Morra, L. (2025). Wittgenstein in Alethea Graham’s Diary (1929-1930), and New Data on the Audience of his Lecture on Ethics and LT 1930 Class. Nordic Wittgenstein Review, 13. https://doi.org/10.15845/nwr.v13.3697 (Original work published April 14, 2024)