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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The author(s) comply with authors' duties as stated in the Journal's Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it under under consideration for publication by another journal or publisher. (The review process is carried out by scholars as a contribution to the scientific community. Reviewers are scarce and any overlap in labour should be avoided.)
  • The text is in English.
  • The text adheres to the Author Guidelines
  • The text does not exceed the standard word limit of 8000 words. (If a longer version of the paper exists, this should be noted in the Comments for the Editor field.)
  • The submission file format is either .doc, .docx, .rtf or .odt.
  • All URLs (web addresses) are checked and marked with a date of last access.
  • All author identification information has been removed from the submission file(s), as well as from the document’s properties. No versions of the paper are available online. (Any risk of breach of the blind review should be avoided.)
  • References to the ideas of other publications or scholars have been included. Relevant contemporary publications on the subject matter have been surveyed.
  • All relationships or interests that could have direct or potential influence or impart bias on the work are disclosed. Although an author may not feel there is any conflict, disclosure of all relationships and interests provides a more complete and transparent process, leading to an accurate and objective assessment of the work.
  • The author consents to open peer review of accepted articles, as described on
  • The author remains responsible for proofreading including citation accuracy and for all statements of fact or opinion.

Author Guidelines

Submitted papers should not exceed 8000 words. (If a longer version of the paper exists, this should be noted in the Comments for the Editor field.)

The papers must be submitted through this platform.


Abstracts should not exceed 200 words.

Headlines and sections
Numbered intermediate headlines are to be used. Headlines levels are two. Numbering begins at 1. (Avoid metatextual section headlines such as “Introduction” and section headlines consisting of only numbers.)

Use double line space.

Use double quotation marks (“...”).

When the quotation exceeds 30 words, use block quote (not quotation marks). Use single line space in block quote. (If block quote contains quotations, use double quotation marks.)

The number of footnotes is to be kept to a minimum. Footnotes are not used for references.

In-text references
Secondary literature bracketed: (Author YEAR: pagenumber), eg. (Hertzberg 1994: 22).
The last name is left out, when the author is explicitly mentioned: "Hertzberg writes about the issue (1994: 22)..."

References to Wittgenstein's works shall preferably use the abbreviations introduced in the bibliography at (Pichler, Biggs, Szeltner 2011). In-text reference style (abbreviation: page or paragraph number), eg.  (PI: § 1).

List of references
Malcolm, N., 1951. “Philosophy for Philosophers”. Philosophical Review 60, 329–340.
Swinburne, R., 1977. ”The Problem of Evil”. In: S. C. Brown, ed., Reason and Religion. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 81–102.

Article titles with quotation marks, book titles italicised.
Articles: The period after the article title should be after quotation marks.
Repeat name of author for each bibliographic item.

Each new paragraph should be indented (with the tab key, not space, never double space).

Punctuation outside of quotation, and if in connection with reference, after it. Punctuation before footnote number. Examples: If he would say for example “The end is nigh”. Specifically, he writes that “the road leads further” (Phillips 1975: 2). In block quotes, the reference should come in parenthesis after the punctuation mark.  

See earlier articles published in Nordic Wittgenstein Review for guidance, or contact the editors.



The From the Archives section, run and edited by Alois Pichler, is primarily intended as a forum for informing about, presenting and publishing unpublished archive material that is relevant for Wittgenstein scholars.

Submissions should be made on the platform and will be peer reviewed, but will not undergo double-blind peer review.

Contributrions should follow the NWR Style Guide (and other author guidelines where they may apply) above. The length of the contributions can vary and is agreed with the section editor,  who is also the person handling acceptance / non-acceptance of the submission. 



Potential reviewers are advised to contact the book review editor before submitting a review. 

A book review should give an overview of a work as well as an evaluative discussion of it. It should not exceed 1 100 words in length (including list of references).  

It should follow the NWR Style Guide (and other author guidelines where they may apply) above.

Reviews are to be submitted through this online platform (requires enrollment as author):

Reviews submitted may be published only online or left unpublished upon editor decision (depending on space, themes etc.).



We welcome short contributions, relating to material previously published in NWR, which carry issues of broader interest or validity in a constructive manner. (These contributions are not subjected to blind peer review.) Individuals wishing to contribute to the replies section are asked to contact the Editor-in-Chief.  

Invited Paper

The invited papers are invited by the editors. The papers are reviewed by the editors only. They are indexed.


The Articles Section is open for submissions, indexed and peer-reviewed.


The Interview section contains interviews and is open for submittions. It is indexed, but only reviewed by editors.

From the Archives

The Archive Section is open for submissions. They are peer reviewed, by at least one reviewer and the peer review is not necessarily blind, although it can be.

Book Reviews

The book review section is open for submissions. We recommend that the author contact the book review editor first. The book reviews are indexed and only reviewed by editors.

Special Issue

Special issue articles should follow the journal's author guidelines. They are peer reviewed, by at least one reviewer and the peer review is not necessarily blind, although it can be.

Privacy Statement

The names and e-mail addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party. Submitted material shall not be retained or used without the author’s permission. In compliance with data protection regulations, a user may request the removal of personal registration details at any time. 
Please contact the Editor in Chief if you have any questions.